It's a great feeling for people to finally begin to notice my weight loss! Lately I have been getting alot of compliments on the progress I have made. Which definitely makes me feel good, BUT I'm only halfway to my goal of -50lbs. Now maybe I am over thinking this (which I have a habit of doing) but all of these compliments about my weight loss have made me feel really embarrassed at how heavy I let myself get. The fact that people notice how much weight I lost means that they had also noticed how much weight I GAINED before. Which isn't a great feeling. But hopefully this will help me to never let myself fall back into the pattern of over eating and not exercising!
Last week I upped the anty on alot of my workouts! I began to realize that things that made me exhausted before were beginning to become easy. So once again, I pushed myself.
Something I have learned about myself and working out: I can't do weight training solo! It's much to boring for me. In order for me to get in a good arm or leg workout I need someone else there to push me. I tried to go by myself last week and only lasted 15 minutes in the weight section before I was
packing up my stuff and heading home! lol
I've also realized that I am much more of an outdoors person then a gym rat. I'd much rather do a trail then be stuck on a gym machine! Maybe its the fresh air, or maybe its the scenery, but whatever it is I am glad the weather has been nice so I can do a majority of my weekly workouts outdoors.
My absolute favorite hike this past week was tackling Runyon Canyon! (For you non California people it is a trail in Hollywood that overlooks most of LA)
I was super proud of myself because the first time I did this trail I literally almost died! I didn't bring enough water and was super dehydrated by the end. I felt sick for the rest of the day and was beyond sore. This time I came prepared and made sure I had plenty of water and a great breakfast to get me going! It really helped! I was able to tackle the trail and still had energy left over after! Each time I am going to try to increase my level of difficulty by running more. (Most of the trail is on a steep incline so I mostly walk it and only jog a few parts)
Plus working out with a large group keeps me motivated and pushes me! When I see other people running it makes me push myself to run as well! I am so lucky to have people around me that are also into fitness and maintaining a healthier lifestyle!
Hi Brianna, the trail looks must be fun with such a large group. It is good to have company while doing weight training, When I get bored in the weight section I go for body pump and other strength classes. They are fun along with weight training